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Celebrate New Year's Eve with a festive dinner with the amazing Mhmd Al Saleh and the DJ BoB Hjezeh for…
Consultative meeting
A consultative meeting was held between the Mayor of Western Bekaa, Mr. Wissam Nasbih, President of the Union of Municipalities…
Lebanon: 13 Women Prove They Are Better Than Men in Solar Energy
Every day at 8 a.m., a group of 13 young women clamber up a ladder onto the roof of a…
Cummunity Support Program
In collaboration with the Bekaa Water Establishment and Al Buhaira Municipal Union, #USAID’s CSP launched its implementation activities to rehabilitate…
Alternative energy in the Union Villages and investment opportunities
The Union of Bouhayra Municipalities held a workshop entitled “Alternative Energy in the Union’s Villages and Investment Opportunities,” sponsored and…